Leasehold properties for sale in Phuket, Chalong

buy leasehold property in Phuket, Chalong. Our real estate agency in Phuket provides the best services, including having the latest information to help you find your dream home. Whether you are looking for a condo to rent, a home or business for sale, or an apartment for your holiday, we are here to provide the best level of service for you.

Welcome to JFTB's classified ads selection for Thailand real estate for sale and Phuket properties to buy in 2024
Choose from a wide range of selected properties for sale in Phuket Thailand with our agency. Searching for a Phuket real estate and find with us the latest realty for sale listingsIf you want to make a property purchase safely, buy a real estate in Phuket is not so easy and you will need the assistance of a professional realtor. Our team will assists you in all the different stages of your property purchase to make it easier and to find the real estate to sell  that fits your needs, your wishes and budget, in a neighborhood that suits your lifestyle. buy apartmentbuy condo, buy villa, buy house, buy homeSale Business, Phuket Buy Luxury Villa, Buy & Sale LandSale Hotel, Thailand buy property investmentThailand sale luxury realtyThailand sale luxury villasluxury apartments for sale, Patong buy realty, Real estate, Sale, Buy, The Agency
Buy a leasehold real estate in Phuket   Properties in Thailand with a Leasehold ownership 
Leasehold ownership is the legal right in Thailand to buy a real estate (condo, apartment, house, villa and land) for a limited time of 30 Years maximum, with the possibility of renewing the contract. Under the current laws of Thailand a lease of residential property may have a maximum of 30 years term and legally be registered with the relevant authorities. Therefore renew options giving additional 30 years plus eventual further extensions of term are offered and widely used in Thailand.
This provides a 30 year lease term and two 30 years right of renewal to the property always required that lessor and lessee prepare a new lease agreement for the extension periods and register in compliance with the laws and regulations applicable with the competent land department at that time.
Protected lease means that the owners of the estate not only have a lease for their condo, villa or other property, but they are also shareholders of the Thai limited company which holds full ownership (chanote) of the property. For more information about the rights to buy a property in Thailand, follow this link: Buying property guide in Thailand / Properties in KaronProperties in ThalangProperties in Cape YamuProperties in RawaiProperties in Nai Harn Properties in Mai KhaoProperties in Phang NgaProperties in KataProperties in KamalaProperties in PatongProperties in KathuProperties in Bang TaoProperties in LayanProperties in ChalongProperties in Phuket TownProperties in SurinProperties in Phuket -- real estate for sale, Realty

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